This is devastating, but we need to move forward. “Getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. You have to let go at some point in order to move forward.” ~ C. S. Lewis.
Every ounce of my energy, mentally and physically has been focused on trying to have children for the past 3 years, and I need to try to be happy with the life I have. It's so hard to even express my feelings on this to everyone who has supported me on this journey. A dear friend who has dealt with similar sent me this article, so if you want to get a glimpse of how I feel, you can read this: Motherhood Mondays: What if you can't have a baby?
I never intended for this blog to be about our infertility issues. I always wanted to blog "just because" I enjoy it and want to share my life experiences with my friends and family. I am so happy that it was a vehicle to share the seriousness we were going through during IVF treatments, but going forward it will be about other things that are keeping me going every day.
To help, I am participating in "#100HappyDays" - check it out. If you want to follow me, I am posting my pics on Instagram - @pilarbower.

- Puzzle (always...)
- Balcony Time
- Andy ran his first half marathon, rocked it, and has a mohawk!
- Green Bowls from Myxologie
- Volunteering for Girls Inc. of San Diego County
- Handybook
- Southern Charm

Love you!